Top 3 Masternode Projects You Should Consider Keeping an Eye On

In this article, I would like to talk about a few of the masternode networks. The ones I’ll be showing you in the coming sections are what I consider are the top three. I will also be going over the features that make them stand out from the competition.

Horizen (ZEN)

Horizen, formerly known as ZenCash, is a network focused on providing a scalable main chain, Cross-Chain Networks (Side-Chains), smart contracts and the ability to create sssets on the network while keeping the network decentralized via their Voting System. Masternode operators, known as Supernodes and Securenodes, can vote on the path the project takes. Horizen has a lot of great features, such as:

  • Proof of Work
  • Masternodes
  • Privacy
  • Side Chains
  • Tokens
  • Stable Assets
  • Decentralized Governance and more.

Wagerr (WGR)

Wagerr’s mission is to create a decentralized sportsbook that brings trustless sports betting to everyone via an easy to use wallet without the need for technical skills. The network relies on a new type of smart contracts and Oracles (Masternodes) to verify the outcome of specific betting while decreasing fees by half. Half of the fees are distributed to Masternode operators and the developers, while the other half is burned from the circulating supply. Some of the features of Wagerr include:

  • Decentralized Sportsbooks
  • Oracles
  • Application Specific Smart Contracts
  • Staking
  • Multiple betting types, such as head to head, multi-user betting, peerless direct chain betting and more.


Pirl is one of those hidden gems that most people haven’t stumbled upon yet. It offers a scalable chain with smart contracts, 3 tiers of Masternodes that are serving different purposes, Decentralized Storage and video consumption. The network also features a unique mechanism that is preventing 51% attacks. The network has multiple features that make it amazing, but the most notable are

  • Proof of Work Consensus Mechanism
  • Masternodes (Premium, Storage, Content)
  • Decentralized Storage
  • Decentralized Video Platform
  • Smart Contracts
  • IPFS 
  • Pirl Guard.
  • PirlPay and much more.


I would like to advise you that the projects I have showcased in this article are subject to my opinion formed from my rich experience with blockchain technology. Just a reminded this is not financial advice on what you should spend your hard-earned money on. These are the projects that have a future in the upcoming years.

Sean Boyle


For in excess of six years I have been actively using diverse methods to mine various crypto coins. In search of optimal profitability with limited resources I have engaged in using various masternodes to earn rewards in a passive manner..