The Three Masternodes You Should Consider Checking Out

It’s that time of the cycle again, where prices are jumping, and jaws are dropping. So, in order to prepare for the next bull rush, we’ve marked down 3 projects that you’ll need to look in to.

Zeros and ones that represent how the calculations inside a masternode happens

StakeNet Masternode (XSN)

The StakeNet team has been working throughout the bear market by researching, comparing other networks, discussing the future of the chain and implementing new features to make the network easier to use by the average person. With the combination of:

  • Staking, Trustless staking / Cold Staking
  • Masternodes
  • XSN cloud (which gives users the ability to stake / host a masternode without the hassle of setting up a VPS )
  • Atomic swaps via Lightning network
  • Own hardware wallets
  • Smart contracts and dApps
  • An upcoming multi-currency wallet and an upcoming DEX

StakeNet aims to become a one-stop-shop for everyone who wants to use cryptocurrency. The roadmap is packed with interesting mechanisms which would interest every blockchain developer.

Phore Masternode (PHR)

Phore is another project that is aiming to be as easy to use as possible. The main goals of Phore are:

  • Create a Decentralized marketplace where you can spend your coins for real-world items directly from other users. The marketplace will allow cryptocurrency trading in near future.
  • Decentralized Crowdfunding to support businesses, entrepreneurs, artists and more
  • Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications
  • Zerocoin Implementation which gives users the ability to make anonymous transactions if they chose to.

The team has announced that on May 14th Synapse will hit testnet. Synapse is Phore’s version of sharding which would significantly increase speed and scalability. Technically speaking, several thousands of transactions per second can be achieved and maybe millions.

Blocknet Masternode (BLOCK)

Blocknet is one of the oldest and respected projects in this space. Every investor who has been in this sphere has either heard of blocknet or have BLOCKs in their portfolio. There are a lot of reasons for that, but the main ones are:

  • xRouter – The way xRouter provides its functionality to the Blocknet network is via a communication layer consisting of an inter-blockchain SPV client backend. The xRouter also operates on the TCP/IP layer and it is compatible with most blockchain networks, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, IOTA, and more. The router works with public and private chains, though private chains are more complex to work with. Thanks to Service nodes (Blocknet’s version of Masternodes) clients can directly communicate between different chains.
  • xBridge – This allows users to perform true trustless and decentralized exchange between any digital asset that is supported by the Blocknet Protocol via API. When combined with xRouter, any application can perform exchanges between any compatible blockchain using a SPV implementations.
  • xCloud – XCloud can be used to monetize any service with crypto payments without having to re-code or change anything about those existing applications. A good way to think of XCloud is like a decentralized AWS. CoinMarketCap could be connected in a matter of minutes and allow users to access their API for a fee paid in BLOCK, without requiring any signups or KYC.

Sean Boyle


For in excess of six years I have been actively using diverse methods to mine various crypto coins. In search of optimal profitability with limited resources I have engaged in using various masternodes to earn rewards in a passive manner..