Get to Know the Kore Masternode

Kore is a decentralized project, aiming to use the most private technology to ensure users all over the world anonymous and instant transactions. Their mission is to protect the Inalienable Human Rights by protecting user’s data and providing them the freedom to operate with their assets in a completely secure environment. Kore’s masternodes are Virtual Private Servers in most of the time, working via the official CLI wallet. The main goal is supporting the Kore network and vote in case of elections, budget decisions or any kind of other changes. Keep reading to learn more about the network’s reward system and how to set up a KORE masternode on your own.

How to Make Money From KORE Masternodes

In return for running a Kore masternode, you’re going to receive a random share of each block’s reward. The last-mentioned is distributed among all the users in the network with a complete size of 40% of the block reward. It’s hard to know the location of masternodes, since some of them are using Tor, which keeps their data anonymous. It’s important to note that Kore masternode payouts correspond to the number of active stakers, which means they’re changing all the time.

Kore Masternode Setup


Here are the minimum requirements you need to cover in order to run a Kore masternode:

  • Obtain the collateral of 500 KOREs from an exchange like Bittrex or Upbit
  • Sign in and download the Kore Official Wallet
  • Find a reputable VPS provider like Vultr for example and make sure to get at least 1 GHz CPU and 3GB of RAM
  • You’ll need to install Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
  • Ensure you have a static IP address
  • linux
  • wallet
  • kore

How to Set Up a KORE Masternode Step by Step

  • Once you’ve rented the VPS server configure it following the official Kore guide. Make sure you install Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
  • Use the PuTTy SSH software to connect your VPS server
  • The Kore official wallet is going to run on your local PC with your masternode, and you’ll remotely set it up also on the VPS
  • Send the 500 KORE coins and unlock your wallet
  • Now run the Kore masternode and check if the activity is synced on the VPS

Sean Boyle


For in excess of six years I have been actively using diverse methods to mine various crypto coins. In search of optimal profitability with limited resources I have engaged in using various masternodes to earn rewards in a passive manner..